Outer space might seem empty considering its vastness and the large distance between astronomical objects. However, within the Solar System […]
Windows vs macOS: Which OS Is Better?
The Windows versus macOS debate is one of the most intensely discussed topics in the personal computing community that has […]
Best Audio Formats for Editing and Production
There are different audio file formats, container formats, and coding standards out there. Those who are planning to venture into […]
The Apple Ecosystem Explained: Pros and Cons
Apple introduced the Apple Computer I in 1976 and followed suit with the introduction of the Macintosh in 1984. Three […]
Pros and Cons of macOS: A Concise Review
The Pros of macOS: What Makes it a Good Computer Operating System? 1. Comes With Useful Free Productivity Apps The […]
Corporate Social Responsibility Theory of Milton Friedman
In his 1970 article that appeared on the New York Times, American economist Milton Friedman discussed the social responsibility of […]
Advantages and Disadvantages of ALAC
The Apple Lossless Audio Codec or ALAC is an audio coding format and reference audio codec implementation developed by Apple. […]
Advantages and Disadvantages of JPEG Standard
JPEG is a compression standard for digital images. Note that JPEG is an initialism for Joint Photographic Expert Group. The […]
Pros and Cons of Carbon Capture and Storage
The entire process of carbon capture and storage or CCS involves capturing carbon dioxide from point sources, processing and transporting […]
Supply-Side Economics vs Demand-Side Economics
Two competing macroeconomic theories dominate modern economic policies and the field of political economy. These are supply-side economics and demand-side […]